OfflineCDF Property

If the offline application uses two or more Pages, or a Page contains additional images and controls, then a developer needs to create a Channel Definition Format (CDF) file and link the CDF file to the Page. Internet Explorer reads this CDF file to download all pages and HTML-related files.

The following examples shows a sample CDF file and an HTML tag added to the Page:


<?XML VERSION="1.0" ENCODING="windows-1252"?>

<CHANNEL href="default.htm"
    <ITEM href="products.htm"></item>
    <ITEM href="categories.htm"></item>
    <ITEM href="categorydetail.htm"></item>
    <ITEM href="orders.htm"></item>
    <ITEM href="orderdetails.htm"></item>
    <ITEM href="xmldata\categories.xml"></item>
    <ITEM href="bitmaps\corplogo.gif"></item>
    <ITEM href="bitmaps\shippeditem.gif"></item>
    <ITEM href="bitmaps\backordereditem.gif"></item>
    <ITEM href="bitmaps\discontinued.gif"></item>

--HTML tag in data access page

<link rel = �offline� href = �applicationfilename.cdf�>

For more information on CDF, see the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site.